Mrs. Bickel’s Site for Parents and Students

“Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.”
 - Ralph Waldo Emmerson -

- For Parents -
Daily Lessons and Assignments are on Google Calendar
You can view the calendar for either class by using the link below

Biology Google Calendar:
Biology Calendar Link

Honors Biology Google Calendar:
Honors Biology Calendar Link

Physical Science Google Calendar:
Physical Science Calendar Link

- For Students -

Mrs. Bickel’s Biology Moodle Link
Biology Syllabus.pdf 
All class materials will be found on Moodle for students to access.

Mrs. Bickel’s Physical Science Moodle Link
All class materials will be found on Moodle for students to access.  

I love teaching and I will use the best of my abilities to educate all students.  I understand that each student learns in a variety of ways.  As a teacher I will hold myself accountable for creating lessons that reach students of all learning styles.  I will select several avenues to challenge students throughout the year, channeling critical thinking skills.  Most of all, I want my classroom to become a comfortable learning environment for all.                               ~ Mrs. Bickel

My Personal Goals for the Year:
 To be organized.
 To improve student note-taking skills.
 To help students grow in knowledge.
 To challenge students while making learning fun.

More Information About Mrs. Bickel