Editing and Revising (fictional composition)

plagiarism - The presentation of another writer’s ideas or words as if they were your own, without acknowledging the source.  Once you have researched your topic, it may be difficult to make the distinction between your own voice and the voices of those you’ve consulted.  Look at the examples below and use the online plagiarism checker to aid you in avoiding plagiarism.

examples of plagiarism

online plagiarism checker

Box A: Mechanics

    1. capitalization (PH pp. 670-684)

    2. colon usage

    3. comma usage (PH pp. 696-709)

    4. dash usage

    5. fragments and run-ons (PH pp. 492-497)

    6. misused words and expressions (PH pp. 648-659)

    7. possessive nouns and pronouns (PH pp. 756-759)

    8. pronoun-antecedent agreement (PH pp. 596-609)

    9. pronoun case (PH pp. 562-568)

    10. quotation marks, italics, underlining (PH pp. 724-736)

    11. spelling

    12. subject-verb agreement (PH 584-592)

    13. unparallel parts (PH pp. 506-511)

    14. verb tense (PH pp. 520-545)

Box B: Content and Structure   

    15. characterization (PH p. 81) (WS pp. 175, 355)

    16. climax (PH p. 80)

    17. conflict (WI pp. 168, 175) (WS p. 346)

    18. plot / supporting details (PH pp. 80-81) (WS pp. 342, 346-348)

    19. resolution (WS p. 348)

    20. theme (PHL pp. 1174)

Box C: Effectiveness   

    21. atmosphere / setting (PH p. 78-79) (WS pp. 175, 355)

    22. dialogue (PH p. 83) (WI p. 175) (WS p. 346)

    23. literary elements

    24. relevance to theme/purpose

    25. symbolism