Rose Quartz - The former leader of the Crystal Gems and Steven’s mother. Her weapon is a shield.
Ruby - One half of Garnet, and Sapphire’s love interest. She has a short fuse. Her weapon is a gauntlet.
Sapphire - She is the other half of Garnet. She is usually calm and collected. She has no weapon.
Jasper - One of the three Homeworld Gems. She hates Rose Quartz with a burning passion. Her weapon is a crash helmet.
Peridot - One of the two Homeworld Gems that joined the Crystal Gems. She lives with Lapis Lazuli in the barn just outside of Beach City. She has no weapon. But has the Ability to move metal.
Lapis Lazuli - The second Homeworld Gem to join the Crystal Gems. She lives with Peridot in the barn. Her weapon is the ability to manipulate water.