In 1987 Metal Gear was released an in depth game that pioneered the tactical espionage games for decades to come. After the release of Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake in 2000, the creator of the Metal Gear universe Hideo Kojima had the path for his new project Metal Gear Solid, a continuation of his earlier two games. As the troubled hero-legend Solid Snake, you continue the fight against the dreaded Metal gear, a nuclear equipped walking battle tank. In the first of this new set of games Snake must take down a terrorist group know as the Genome Army lead by members of Fox-Hound, a elite team on people with “special talents”. He also must take on a new Metal Gear code name “Rex”. With the release of Metal Gear Solid 2: Son of Liberty we are dropped back in the series four years after the Shadow Moses incident. We meet new characters and we learn about The Patriots a bit more. Then in Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater we go back to learn the origins of the series. Then with the release of Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of The Patriots we conclude everything and complete the stories of all of the characters.