Foxes' Habitats

Type Picture Where? Picture of Place
Red Fox Picture of a red fox. Red Foxes live all around the world in many different habitats. From grasslands to mountains to deserts, they live almost everywhere. They also adapt well to human environments such as farms. Picture of a mountain.
Island Fox Picture of an island fox. Island Foxes live all across the Channel Island, which are off the coast of California. This includes valley and foothill grasslands, coastal sage/scrub, coastal bluff, sand dune areas, island chapparral, southern coastal oak woodland, island woodland, southern riparian woodland, pine forests, and coastal marshes. Picture of a grassland.
Arctic Fox Picture of an Arctic Fox. The Arctic Fox lives within the Arctic Tundra regions in North America, Norther Europe, and Northern Asia. It is also present in the Boreal Forests of Canada. Picture of an Arctic Tundra.