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Cheetahs live in Africa and in Southwestern Asia, though a number of them have been found in Iran. It is a possibility, yet doubted, that some cheetahs live in India. Several unconfirmed reports have been made that some Asiatic Cheetahs have been found in Balochistan, a providence in Pakistan, along with one dead animal that was recently discovered. Cheetahs thrive in places where there are vast spaces of land and plenty of food. They like to live in open semi-deserts, prairies, and thick brushes, yet they can be found in many habitats. For example, in Namibia, cheetahs live in savannahs, areas of dense vegitations, mountainous terrain, and grasslands. Some have even been tamed by aristocrats and used for hunting antelopes, similar to the way groups of grey-hound dogs are used in hunting.
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