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batman picture 2 “The Dark Knight,” Batman is mainly known because of the crazy villains he has faced such as the Joker, Scare Crow, Two-Face, The Riddler, and Poison Ivy. Batman had a sidekick known by the name of Robin. They were really a team when Robin was younger and wanted revenge on Two-Face for killing his family. Then after Robin was old enough he left the Bat Team and started fight crime on his own. He was in a battle against the Joker, when after a long time apart the Bat Team came together again. Before the battle was out the Joker had killed Robin and badly injured Batman. After the los of Robin, Batman couldn’t have another teammate; he couldn’t stand the los of another one. After finding Superman and becoming his friend and trusted allie they together and five other super heroes made the JLA. Batman had fought Captain America to save the DC Universe, the battle was close won but he had saved Captain America and then was joined into one hero, so the battle was never won by anyone.
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