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wonder woman picture 1 “Princess Diana of Themyscira,” also known as Wonder Woman, was one of the first female super heroes made. She has super human strength, speed, reflexes, stamina, and durability. Wonder Woman is able to fly but that was never an actual power until after 1960, she has superior hand-to-hand and weapons combat skills, and regeneration. She has resistance to magic, the ability to discern truth, and she has the access to magical weaponry. She was one of the seven finders of the JLA. Wonder Woman first appeared in All Star Comics #8 (December 1941). She was seen more than one time and not just in comic books, she had her TV series known as the Wonder Woman TV series 1975-1979. Wonder Woman has also been seen in comic books featuring the superhero teams Justice Society (from 1941) and the JLA (from 1960).
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