dagger heading

home button dastan button tamina button nazim button dagger button
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dagger picture 1

The dagger is the motive behind the movie, Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time. In the beginning of the movie, it is found by Dastan on an attempt to smuggle it out of Alamut to safety. Tamina knows its power and is the guardian of it, and tries to recover it from Dastan at all costs. When Dastan agrees to help her get it to safety, the Hassansins steal it from her in a surprise attack. Tamina and Dastan return to Alamut to retrieve the dagger, and a successful attack is made. After this, Nazim and the Hassansins again steal the dagger. Nazim is lowered to the sand glass, and pierces it with the dagger, but Dastan stops him by opening the dagger rather than activating it.

dagger picture 3