history of bob marley

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history picture 1 History February 6, 1945 is the date when the world was blessed with one of the most well respected artist. His name Bob Marley Bob Marley was born in Nine Miles, St. Ann, and grew up in the hill country of Jamaica. Bob’s father was white and his mother was black, He grew up living in Kingston in a slum know as Trench Town. Marley met Peter Tosh while growing up in the slums. They formed “The Wailers” in 69. They staid together for ten years then Bob went on his own as a single artist. After leaving The Wailers Marley was even more well-know with the songs that he wrote; such as ‘Jamming’, ‘Three Birds’, and ‘One Love’. Marley’s life was ended due to cancer caused by an infection he picked up from a friendly game of football Marley died May 11, 1981.
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