Honey Bees Index

Honey Bees

Honey Bees are nature's tiny workers. They fly around all over the world, and pollinate crops and plants that humans and animals need to survive. While most people find honey bees annoying, or scary due to their stingers and buzzing noises, these tiny insects are the most important insect on Earth. Without honey bees to do what they do, we wouldn't be around today, because we'd all be dead. So take some time, look around, and learn a little more on these little guys. You might learn to appreciate them more, and not squish them when you see one.

Honey Bee on flower
Bees on beeswax

Here is a table of all the different bees you will find in a beehive, and their roles in the hive.

Bee Role
Queen The Queen's role is to simply lay eggs in the hive. She doesn't actually make any of the decisions in the hive contrary to popular belief. She takes orders from the workers, who in return for her listening, take care of her.
Worker The worker bees are the most important bee in the hive. The worker bees do literally all the work in the hive, making beewax, honey, taking care of larvae, and the queen. The workers are also the bees that go out to find pollen and nectar. Without th workers, the hive wouldn't last more than a day.
Drone These bees are the only males in the hive. Slightly bigger than the workers, but smaller than the queen, the drones do one thing. Mate with the queen. After the queen has mated, the drones will sit around and do nothing for the remainder of the year. To prevent the drones from eating all the honey, during the Fall, the workers will begin to kick out all drones in the hive, until very few remain. The drones who are kicked out will freeze in the winter, or starve depending on the cliate and habitat.

To find out how you can support bees, visit this website for more info.