a Bandicoot's Habitat

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Where Are They?

Bandicoots are living throughout Austrailia and are common in the coastal areas. They are able to
live in a variety of Austrialian places. From rainforests to wet and dry woodlands, bandicoots
can live in a variety of places. Although they can live in different places, these small animals are endangered.
Today, 7 out of 11 known bandicoot species are considered critically endangered or extinct. The cause of this
is both habitat loss and the introduction of small carnivores such as cats.

a bandicoot near a road

Despite the bandicoot's rat-like appearance, the bandicoot is thought to be more closely related to a rabbit.     The bandicoot is found on the Australian mainland and its surrounding islands. Due to their small size,          bandicoots can be an easy target for hungry predators. This means that in order to survive they must hide in a    variety of places. The bandicoot is a nocturnal animal meaning that it spends the daytime hours hiding, and  eventually coming out under the cover of night in order to hunt for food. Bandicoots stick to themselves and only come together to mate.