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Jumping Cougar  
Cougar cubs
The cougar has many subspecies: mountain lion, puma, and panther. They are found in mountain areas and dense woodlands. The cougar has thick yellow fur, and can weigh 100-250 pounds. Being predators, the cougar eats up to ten pounds of meat a day; their main target for food is deer. Cougars are 42 to 54 inches long and have a three-foot long tail. Cougars have very strong jaws and sharp claws for hunting and defending themselves. With their size, a cougar can jump upward 18 feet from were they were sitting. The cubs are born with their eyes closed, which open after two weeks. Also cubs take 16 months for their fur to turn from a greenish gray to a yellow. Unlike other big cats the cougar cannot roar but is still a threat to most animals.