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One hundred years before the beginning of the series, Aang was frozen in an iceberg with his flying bison Appa. Katara and Sokka discover him and set him free. Aang soon learns that the Air Nomads have been completely wiped out and that the Fire Nation has waged war on all the nations. Being the Avatar, and also the last of his kind, it is up to Aang to stop the war and defeat Fire Lord Ozai. But first he must master the remaining 3 elements: Water, Earth and Fire. Even though he has all this pressure on his shoulders at such a young age, Aang still manages to remain optimistic and kind hearted, if not even a little goofy.

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On a side note, Aang enters what is called the Avatar State. This is a state in which, if put into immediate danger, he can access the knowledge and power of previous Avatars and gain great abilities that, when conscious, are not obtainable without year of practice. While this is his greatest power, it is also his greatest weakness. If an Avatar was to be killed within the Avatar State then all the Avatars would die with him, breaking the cycle and therefore ceasing the existence of the Avatar all together.

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