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Zuko is sixteen and a Fire Nation prince. The catch, however, is that he was banished at the age of thirteen, by his own father. At such a small age, his father challenged him to a duel, for speaking out, that Zuko refused to take part in. Fire Lord Ozai, Zuko’s father, takes away his birthright and banishes him, leaving him with only a severe burn, which scarred over his left eye. Zuko spends most of the time in the series hunting Aang; seeing Aang’s capture as a last chance to regain his father’s love and respect. Zuko is very ill tempered and lashes out at others around himself. Later you find that this temper is what fuels his Firebending. Later in the series, Zuko abandons the Fire Nation and joins up with the Avatar group, becoming Aang’s Firebending teacher. When the Fire Lord Ozai is defeated, Zuko is crowned the new Fire Lord and declares the end of the war.

At the age of fourteen, Azula is Zuko’s younger sister. Aside from Fire Lord Ozai, Azula is the Avatar’s second biggest enemy. She is a Firebending prodigy, surpassing her older brother long ago. Her personality is that of psychopaths: sadistic, manipulative and overly obsessed with power. Azula and her friends, leading the Fire Nation army, took down Ba Sing Se; which was one of Azula’s many accomplishments. Her impressive escalation in Firebending lands Azula as her father’s favorite. However, Azula suffers from deep mental instabilities and after Ty Lee and Mai’s betrayal, she goes overboard. When Zuko and Katara defeat her, she completely mentally collapses.



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