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Katara is a Waterbender that is 14 years of age. She and her older brother, Sokka, are the ones who discovered Aang. They soon leave the Southern Water Tribe, Katara and Sokka’s home, to travel with Aang and help him put an end to the war against the Fire Nation. Katara suffered a great loss at the age of eight when the Southern Raiders, a Fire Nation army, killed her mother. Nonetheless, she still holds on to hope and is a strong, brave hearted girl. She is kind of the mother figure in the group as well, especially to Sokka, of whom she is very protective although she won’t admit it. She is also the most mature person in the group, even though she does have a sense of humor, and is very kindhearted and caring to everyone. Katara also becomes Aang’s Waterbending teacher when she surpasses him when they visit the Northern Water Tribe.

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Sokka is more of a warrior, an amateur one at first but by the end of the series he is a master swordsman, a skilled fighter, leader and strategic planner. While he has no ability to bend, Sokka is the comic relief and strategist in the group. He is determined to become a great leader and warrior just like his father and, though at the beginning his leadership skills are rather poor, he becomes more talented and experienced throughout the series. He is a strong hearted boy, with a major comical side and is often the one people are either laughing at or with. Sokka does have his serious side, though, and, even though he doesn’t show it, is rather smart and shows a remarkable talent towards science. He comes up with the plans and strategies for the group and catches onto things rather fast; always the first to notice a secret way in or when someone just isn’t right. Sokka is 15 and has suffered the same loss as Katara, his mother’s death. However, he looked up to his father more, who is away at war with the Fire Nation.