Career Planning Information

2004 - 05 Occupational Outlook Handbook
The OOH is an excellent starting place to search for employment information on specific occupations based on data supplied by the federal government.
America's Career Info Net
Find out about the general job market, wages and trends, skills and abilities required from specific occupations, and career information unique for your state.
America's Job Bank
This site allows employers to list vacancies and applicants to file resumes. It also has information about employment trends and job seeking strategies.
Ask the Headhunter
This somewhat irreverent site maintains that most traditional information about finding and landing a job is no longer true, and it offers alternative suggestions.
ASVAB Career Exploration Program
Once a student has taken the Armed forces Vocational Aptitude Battery, this site will assist with interpretation of the results and consequent career exploration strategies.
This top notch subscription site also known as Career Explorer, has daily updates on careers written in a highly readable, informative style. Archived articles provide current career information on countless occupations. Also has information for educators who teach career exploration. Subscription password required.
Bureau of Labor Statistics
Data from the Department of Labor about the economy, including projections and regional information. Helpful for high schoolers planning majors and careers.
Career Builder
Ever changing, all encompassing site has employment tips, links to other career oriented web sites, ask the experts, and career news from the USA Today.
Career Centers Around the Globe
List provides links to career development services at many different universities.
Career Click
This site provides information on approximately 700 occupations in Illinois. The occupations are divided into sixteen Career Clusters. You'll find descriptions, salaries, Illinois and substate employment levels, employment forecasts, and other information that helps to clarify career choices.
Career Ed
This site helps students conduct an on-line job search after completing a resume and also has career assessment features. This site is maintained by Peterson's.
Career Fitter
CareerFitter offers an online Career Personality Assessment, which shows people the careers that best fit their personality as well as personality strengths and weaknesses. CareerFitter also offers research and secrets of how to get started and what to expect from hundreds of different careers. For fee site.
Career Information System
Update from the old Horizons site sponsored by the state of Illinois. The site has career information and links to schools in Illinois where you can prepare for these careers. Username is ides and password is careers.
Career Key
The Career Key interest inventory assist students with identifying personality types, finding jobs that fit those types and has links to find out more about those jobs. A sections also explores how to make good career decisions. (based on Holland career clusters)
Career Planning
Comprehensive site offers information for students preparing for careers as well as specific career information and articles of general interest to the job seeker.
Career Voyages
This site provides detailed career information with a focus on high-growth industries and high- demand occupations, including the skills, training, and education needed. Take a look at: Chart Your Course, What's Hot, and By State.
Career Zone
This site offers a cluster approach to career exploration based on the Holland organization scheme. Information on specific jobs can also be sorted by years of training required.
Community Learning Network
Links to sites featuring information on careers in the arts,health and medicine, information technology and mathematics. Also has information on finding jobs, researching occupations, and writing resumes and cover letters.
From Hobby to Career
Article from the Occupation Outlook Quarterly advises you on how you can get paid for doing what you enjoy so much you'd do it for free. Download and print the entire article as a pdf file.
Get That Gig
Large site has links to internships usually more appropriate for college students and career info from individuals who are very enthusiastic about their jobs.
Informational Interviewing
One of the best ways to find out what's involved in a career, is to talk to someone in the field. Check this site to find out how and what questions to ask.
Internship Programs
This site is a data base of over 2800 programs and 200,000 positions where students can locate internships and employers can list internship opportunities.
Job Corps
Job Corp is the only national residential job training and education program for at-risk youth 16 to 24 and is a top source of entry-level workers. It offers young people industry validated, up to date skills training, as well as world of work and social skills tips that teach young people how to act on the job site.
Employers post jobs and students can search through jobs along with submitting applications online for free. Also provides a wealth of information on resumes, interviewing, labor laws, and just general youth employment information.
Job Star
This site is packed with information about planning your career. What kind of training or education is required? What can you earn? What kind of environment will you work in? What's hot? What's not? Some sites include personal stories from folks working in the field: how did they move (or stumble) into their current work situation? What advice would they give newcomers?
Job Web
Extremely complete collection of career information including job search, info on career choices from aquatic science to zoo keeping, on-line periodicals, reference sources, etc., Medical, Law, Business Schools, etc., minority resources, info for persons with disabilities, & international resources. Also contains info on writing a resume.
Michigan Occupational Information System
On-line Self Assessment Career Survey assists students with identifying their interests, aptitudes and experiences as related to career selection.
Monster Trak
Partners with over 500 college and university career centers nationwide, Jobtrak is a source for jobs on the Internet. Over 280,000 employers have used JOBTRAK to target their full-time jobs, part-time jobs, temporary jobs and internships toward college students and alumni.
Monthly Labor Review Online
Timely articles put out by the US Department of Labor on employment and career trends.
My Future
Focuses on college and career information especially for teens. Build a resume online, find out about college finance options, roommate stories, the military as an option and more.
O*Net Online
Use this site to find specific occupational information and search for occupations that use your skills. Comprehensive site.
Princeton Review
Information on finding and keeping a job, cover letter, interviewing, resumes, employment trends, etc. Also has search engine for finding information on specific careers.
Quintessential Career and Job Hunting Resources Guide
This site is designed to provide as much information and resources as possible about jobs and careers for job seekers.