Study Skills

Academic Success
Site offered by George Washington University offers lessons to improve study habits and techniques.
Get Smarter
Test your math and scienc e skills compared to students around the world.
Improve Your Study Skills
Tips on improving your study skills and preparing for exams.
Sites to Improve Your Academic Success
Collection of web sites that provide tips to help you study more effectively, manage your time, take better notes, and handle the stresses of college life.
Study Guides and Strategies
This very complete site has topics including study preparation, taking notes in lectures, effective study habits, testing techniques, writing and reading skills. It is especially helpful to bilingual/ESL students in that many of these study guides and strategies are listed in a variety of other languages as well as in English.
Study Guide Zone
Tips on listening in class, college prep schedules, how to be a good stuent, learning styles, note taking, systematic reading, forming a study group, motivation for college, time management, efective studying, math fear, beating the stress, test aniety, nervousness, and test taking techniques.
Study Skills
This site has links to other study skills pages, twenty time savers, how to make a schedule, studying foreign languages, and studying with intensity.
Study Skills
Courtesy of Virginia Tech, here is a great listing of tips and techniques for improving your study skills. Everything from note taking to how to stop procrastinating. Be sure to take the "Study Skills Checklist" to find out where you need to improve.
Study Skills Self-Help Information This site from Virginia Tech has time scheduling suggestions, how to concentrate, how to take notes, how to read a difficult book, tips on improving reading speed, setting priorities, and strategies to use with difficult test questions.
Study Stack
This site features a flash cards approach for many different academic areas including foreign language, math, science, math, geography and history. Scroll down to find questions appropriate for high school age students.
Study Strategies
Study Strategies site from the University of Minnesota contains a study skills survey, information about time management, memorization, learning styles, and study techniques.
Test Phobia
Twenty specific suggestions to help students cope with a phobia that prevents them from demonstrating what they know.
Writing Tips
Information for students who wish to improve their writing. Material is presented here in small, bite-size nuggets, designed for the age of information overload.